It’s our Birthday! A message from our Head Ginger…
The first thing I want to say is thank you! To our investors, clients, supporters, family and friends, to everyone who has helped us in our first three years, and to my wonderful gingerheads. Anyone who has set up their own business will tell you that getting through the first few years is tough. But boy is it tough. It is a level of pressure unlike anything else, I would never do it again. But I would never change it. 60% of new businesses fail within the first three years. Having just celebrated our third birthday, I can honestly say I’m surprised the failure stats aren’t higher. I have seen some very good businesses go under this year. I am incredibly grateful that we’re still here. We faced some expected and unexpected challenges. In a female-led business, two of the key team members falling pregnant within two months of each other can hit a business hard. I know some businesses [...]
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