The road to COVID-19 recovery as a small business owner…
It has been 5 months since my family caught COVID-19. We don’t know where from. While our two children had different responses to it, both fully recovered within two weeks. My husband and I did not. We still have a low tolerance for exercise, but are otherwise doing well now. Symptoms included: Severe headachesInability to concentrateDizziness AphasiaSOBRacing heart Pain – chest, kidneys, limbs Nausea / Loss of appetiteExtreme fatigue Gingerhead specialises in hospitality and tourism. Like others, I was worried about the effects of the pandemic on my employees, my clients and my business. Any business owner knows, you can’t just stop when you are ill. So, what do you do to break on through to the other side? Well we are not there yet! But you don’t give up. My team were incredibly supportive. We made decisions together. When I couldn’t focus, couldn’t write and essentially couldn’t do my job, they helped. I now work part-time. My team has [...]
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