Supporting Liverpool families during half-term…
As a mother, one of the things you want most for your children is their physical and emotional health. There are many families struggling with hardship, this year more than ever, not able to give their children enough food. Schools play an important role in ensuring that no child starts the day or spends any part of it distracted by hunger or poor nutrition. For many families who normally receive free school meals, providing additional meals during holidays can be a struggle. With half term coming up, and no free school lunches or breakfast clubs, some Liverpool families may need a bit of extra help. Local people help local people. We've teamed up with a couple of local providers – Fruit 'n' Veg Liverpool and Florrie Food Union – to bring free fruit and veg boxes and other essential food to local families who need it over the half term. Fruit ‘n’ Veg Liverpool is a great local fruit and [...]
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