She believed she could, so she did…gingerhead is 5!
This month we reached a significant milestone, our 5th birthday. I have been reflecting on the last five years and how lucky I feel to be where we are now. So how did we get started… Well…throughout a successful career in brand and marketing, I repeatedly saw talented female friends and colleagues side-lined in some way once they’d had children, or just not taken as seriously in their career ambitions as perhaps their male colleagues. These were people I rated. I decided that I wanted to do something different. I set up Gingerhead in 2016, with a dream of running a successful creative business, led by women. Our name was inspired by the person who changed my life, my elder daughter Lottie. Becoming a mother helped me gain the confidence to want to be better and to create a lovely life for myself, my family and anyone I work with. It also made me better at my job. I am [...]
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